Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tummy sleep!

It may sound silly, but having to sleep on my back was probably the worst part of recovery. For the last week, I'd been able to sleep on my side but still had to use the gigantic body pillow for that. Last night, I was finally able to get back to sleeping on my stomach!!!

I was also able to go back to the gym & start with some light cardio on Monday. So, overall, feeling pretty good this week.

We're in cycle 13 officially. Dr T wanted to start treatment this cycle, but our Thanksgiving travel put a damper on that. We're moving ahead with a natural cycle. I didn't know how I'd feel about that, but I'm pretty ok with it. My body has proven that it can get pregnant, so why not give it another try, right? 

Depending on how this cycle goes, we may elect to postpone treatment until January, but I have some really mixed emotions about that. Even though I just turned 33 in September, I can already feel 34 breathing down my neck. I really, really want to be finished having children by 35. That has always been my goal. Right now, getting pregnant by the end of the year will get us #1 by(or really close to) my 34th birthday. Which means I'd need a really quick turn around for conceiving #2, which is really unlikely since I plan to BF. But, I'd still have a good shot of being KU with #2 when I turn 35 & I'm ok with that. 

My biggest fear is not being pregnant, & far enough along for a heart beat, before we hit my previous EDD. Not meeting my little girl in March will be hard enough. I don't know how/if I can handle not being any closer to having #1 than I am right now on top of it. I'm trying not to focus on that & let it influence my decisions, but it creeps in & is pretty hard to ignore.

I don't know what to do. The answers are never clear with this shit. So far my gut, research & lovelies from TB haven't steered me wrong; so I guess I'll keep going with that until it bites me in the tush!


  1. Oh my gosh - sleep was my biggest issue too! I can't sleep on my back so I was miserable until the soreness went away. Regarding the rest of your post - ::hugs:: And it really fucking sucks that there are no "right" answers, but I've got my fingers crossed that you'll get lucky with your hairless tubes :P

  2. Ah, yes. I remember the joy of finally getting to sleep on my tummy after my lap. So exciting. Glad you are healing well. Good luck in whatever you decide to do for your next cycle.
