Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cycle 14

I'm behind on my updates. Last week we fairly uneventful, for the most part. By Monday, I was pretty confident that last cycle was a bust. I called our insurance company to register for our infertility benefits. First the woman tried to tell me we had basically zero coverage for treatments. I had to point out to her that she was looking at an expired policy. She looked at our current policy & said that we did have coverage(I already knew that, thanks for the mini heart attack lady!). Then I had to answer a bunch of questions about my diagnosis, the pregnancy & miscarriage, & the adventures with my tubes. It would have been a lot easier to just redirect her here. She tells me that I'm all qualified & registered, I have a lifetime benefit of $5K. ::::Screeching brakes::::: Our policy lists 6 IUIs & then 3 IVF cycles. How the frick is 5 grand supposed to cover that? Once I got off the phone with her, I send S a message. Before I completely flipped out, I wanted him to look into things. He looked into it & we're good. WHEW!

Wednesday morning, my temp plummeted & confirmed what I already knew about this cycle. Just after midnight, AF was here. Thursday, I called Dr. T's office to report CD1. They seemed as confused as I was about what his plan for me was, but they set me up for a baseline appointment on Friday morning.

Friday I got to the office & got called back for my blood work. The nurse told me that she was pretty sure Dr T wanted to just do a monitored cycle & start meds in January. I was a little upset, I was under the impression that he was ready to move right into medicated cycles. She said that the NP would review everything & get the doctor's decision. From there I went for my visit with Dr. Vag-Cam. Everything looked good. The NP said that as long as my blood work was ok, she thought that Dr. T wanted to start me on Clomid or Tamoxifen, then we'd do a trigger shot & IUI. She agreed that IUI was the smart choice because of Sean's lower volume. Around 2:30, I got the call that I would be starting Clomid on Saturday, take that for 5 days & then go back in a week for another ultrasound & blood work.

Saturday, I got up & took my first dose. Then we packed up a few gifts we had & headed up state to visit some friends. We spent the afternoon with one of S's college buddies & his family. Got to run around with their toddler in the snow & play with playdoh (which I freakin love). Then we headed to dinner with @doodmama & her husband. It was good to catch up with her. Last time I saw her was over the summer, now she's 8 weeks pregnant! Since we'd gotten up there, about 6 inches of snow had come down & it was still falling heavily. The drive home that normally takes 2 hours, took 4 & included a craptastic ice storm. Whatever. It was worth it to spend some times with friends we rarely get to see :)

I took dose 2 this morning. Until tonight I really hadn't felt anything as far as side effects. But after dinner I started feeling some twinges on my right side & had a hot flash, I guess that's the Clomid. Hopefully it's working its magic in there. We'll find out soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. So happy you're able to move forward with your medicated cycle! I'm rooting for you!!
