Monday, December 30, 2013

To pee or not to pee

We're in the home stretch of this cycle already. Today is 9dpt & iui and 8dpo. I don't normally get many, if any, symptoms during my 2ww; I assume that's because my progesterone is normally on the low side. Well this time it's not. I've been fatigued since 3dpo, nauseous since 5dpo & my boobers have been hurting since 7dpo. All of which are too early to actually be associated with pregnancy.

Having finally experienced this, I can almost understand why we get so many "OMG AM I PREGGO???" posts from women that are only around a week from ovulation. If I didn't know any better I would have already peed on things.

But I do know better. So now the question is, when to start testing. My beta is scheduled for Friday, which is 12dpo (Isn't that early for betas?). I think I can hold off testing that long. I know, for sure, that I want to have tested before they call with my results. Do I test before? If I get a negative, it's gonna be really hard for me not to get back in bed & skip the appointment. If it's positive, obviously there's no problem. I could try to test after, but since I have to go straight to work from there how will I test with fmu? I seriously doubt that I can wake up, shower, get ready, & get there without my bladder bursting.

I am still temping, though I only have from 5dpo moving forward. Maybe if my temp hasn't taken a dive that morning, I'll feel confident to test at home. Who knows. Maybe I need to ask the Magic 8 ball. It seems to know all.

Either way, I'm still trying to convince myself that this won't work. I don't feel like it's safe for me to hope. Why should I be so lucky? I feel like surely all my good luck for this cycle has been used up, just by things going right. EFFFF! This stinks. I want to be naive & hopeful dammit!

Side note: On Friday, when I was going over the appointment with S, I told him that I ovulated both eggs. The look on his face was fantastic.

"So wait, that means...omg what if...holy shit. I knew twins were a possibility, but I just connected that it actually might happen." LOLz! He's so cute when he's stupid.


  1. FX for you! And, as your blog stalking friend, I vote for DON'T PEE!!! Haha :) I hope when you do, you get a nice surprise! I completely understand the feeling and rationale of convincing yourself that it didn't work... unfortunately, it doesn't seem to take the sting away if it's a BFN... but I'm hoping you don't have to feel the sting!! Good luck!!!!

  2. Haha! Thanks! I'm gonna try to hold out. You're the best!

    1. BE STRONG!! You're almost there! :) FX so hard for you!!
